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// Using OpenStreetMap in Wikipedia.
// (c) 2008 by Magnus Manske
// heavily altered by [[m:User:Danmichaelo]], [[m:User:Hoo man]], [[m:User:Simon04]]
// Released under GPL
// 2021 entirely rewritten by [[w:de:User:PerfektesChaos]]
// <nowiki>
( function ( mw, $ ) {
   "use strict";
   var Version = "2021-03-10  dewiki@BETA",
       Sign    = "wiwosm",
       URLroot = "https://wiwosm.toolforge.org/osm-on-ol/kml-on-ol.php",
       Config  = { cLangs:      false,
                   coordinates: false,
                   env:         false,
                   maxH:        350,
                   slang:       false,
                   $coordinate: false,
                   $container:  false,
                   $toggle:     false,
                   $widget:     false

   function factory() {
      // Design of default insertion container
      return { "border-bottom":  "1px solid #A2A9B1",
               "clear":          "both",
               "height":         Math.max( 0.5 * Config.$window.height(),
                                           Config.maxH )
                                 + "px",
               "overflow":       "hidden",
               "padding-bottom": "15px",
               "resize":         "vertical",
               "width":          "100%"
   }   // factory()

   function feasible( $ask ) {
      // Is $ask a valid jQuery object?
      var s = ( typeof $ask );
      return ( ( s === "object"  ||  s === "function" )   &&   $ask   &&
               typeof $ask.length     ===  "number"
               &&     $ask.length     ===  1   &&
               typeof $ask.addClass   ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.after      ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.append     ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.attr       ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.click      ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.clone      ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.css        ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.eq         ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.find       ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.hide       ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.html       ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.offset     ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.scrollTop  ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.text       ===  "function"   &&
               typeof $ask.toggle     ===  "function" );
   }   // feasible()

   function features( assign ) {
      // Configuration hook arrived
      var i, s, v;
      if ( typeof assign  ===  "object"
           && assign ) {
         v = assign[ s ];
         for ( s in assign ) {
            switch ( s ) {
               case "$coordinate":
               case "$container":
               case "$toggle":
               case "$widget":
                  if ( feasible( v ) ) {
                     Config[ s ] = v;
               case "height":
                  if ( typeof v  ===  "number"   &&
                       v > 10   &&
                       v < 2048 ) {
                     Config.maxH = Math.floor( v );
               case "lang":
                  if ( typeof Config.reLang  !==  "object" ) {
                     s = "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]?\\(-[-a-zA-Z]+\\)?$";
                     Config.reLang = new RegExp( s );
                  switch ( typeof v ) {
                     case "string":
                        if ( Config.reLang.test( v ) ) {
                           Config.slang = v;
                     case "object":
                        if ( v   &&
                             typeof v.length  ===  "number" ) {
                           Config.cLangs = Config.cLangs  ||  [ ];
                           for ( i = 0;  i < v.length;  i++ ) {
                              s = false;
                              if ( typeof v[ i ]  ===  "string"   &&
                                   Config.reLang.test( v[ i ] ) ) {
                                 s = v[ i ];
                              Config.cLangs.push( s );
                           }   // for i
                  }   // switch typeof v
            }   // switch s
         }   // for s in assign
   }   // features()

   function fiat( at ) {
      // Create and insert $iframe
      var co  = Config.coordinates[ at ],
          sel = "openstreetmap",
          slang, src;
      Config.env   = Config.env  ||
                     mw.config.get( [ "wgContentLanguage",
                                      "osm_proj_lang" ] );
      if ( Config.cLangs   &&
           Config.cLangs.length > at   &&
           Config.cLangs[ at ] ) {
         slang = Config.cLangs[ at ];
      } else {
         slang = Config.slang  ||
                 Config.env.osm_proj_lang  ||
      src = URLroot + "?secure=1"
            + "&lang="    + slang
            + "&params="  + co.href.split( "params=" )[ 1 ]
            + "&title="   + mw.util.wikiUrlencode( Config.env.wgTitle )
            + "&uselang=" + Config.env.wgUserLanguage;
      co.$iframe = $( "<iframe>" );
		co.$iframe.addClass( sel )
                .attr( { src: src } )
                .css( { border: "1px solid #A2A9B1",
                        height: "100%",
                        width:  "100%" } );
      if ( ! at ) {
         co.$iframe.attr( "id", sel );
      co.$container.append( co.$iframe );
   }   // fiat()

   function flip( at ) {
      // Toggle has been clicked
      var co  = Config.coordinates[ at ],
          sel = "openstreetmap-container",
          i, j, k, $e;
      if ( co.$iframe ) {
         co.live = ! co.live;
      } else {
         Config.$window = Config.$window || $( window );
         if ( ! co.$container  ||  ! co.$container.length ) {
            // LEGACY
            $e = $( "#contentSub" );
            if ( $e.length !== 1 ) {
               // Minerva has no #contentSub
               $e = $( "#mw-content-text" );
            if ( $e.length === 1 ) {
               co.$container = $( "<div>" );
               co.$container.addClass( sel )
                            .css( factory() );
               if ( ! at ) {
                  co.$container.attr( "id", sel );
               $e.after( co.$container );
         } else if ( Config.$container.length < at ) {
            co.$container = Config.$container.eq( at );
         } else {
            co.$container = Config.$container.eq( 0 );
         if ( co.$container ) {
            co.$iframe = true;   // race condition
            co.live    = true;
            mw.loader.using( [ "mediawiki.util" ],
                             function () {   fiat( at );   }  );
            co.$container.css( { "min-height": "10px",
                                 "max-height": "fit-content" } );
         } else {
            co.live = false;
      if ( co.live ) {
         i = co.$container.scrollTop();
         k = co.$container.offset().top;
         if ( k < i ) {
            co.$container.scrollTop( k );
         } else {
            j = Config.$window.height();
            if ( k + 0.5 * Config.maxH  >  i + j ) {
               i = i + j - Config.maxH;
               if ( i < 0 ) {
                  i = 0;
               co.$container.scrollTop( i );
   }   // flip()

   function furnish() {
      // Autorun on loading; DOM is ready
      var config = { type: Sign,
                     vsn:  Version },
          sel    = "coordinates_map",
          co, env, i, k, s, $a, $e;
      if ( ! Config.$coordinate ) {
         // LEGACY
         Config.$coordinate = $( "#coordinate" );
      if ( Config.$coordinate.length ) {
         for ( i = 0;  i < $e.length;  i++ ) {
            $e = Config.$coordinate.eq( i );
            $a = $e.find( "a" );
            for ( k = 0;  k < $a.length;  k++ ) {
               s = $a.eq( k ).attr( "href" );
               if ( s.indexOf( "geohack" ) > 0   &&
                    s.indexOf( "_globe:" ) < 0 ) {
                  // no OSM for moon, mars, etc.
                  Config.coordinates = Config.coordinates  ||  [ ];
                  Config.coordinates.push( { $container:  false,
                                             $coordinate: $e,
                                             $iframe:     false,
                                             href:        s } );
                  break;   // for k
            }   // for k
         }   // for i
      if ( Config.coordinates ) {
         if ( ! ( Config.$widget && Config.$toggle )  ||
              ( Config.$widget  &&  ! Config.$widget.length )  ||
              ( Config.$toggle  &&  ! Config.$toggle.length ) ) {
            // LEGACY
            env = mw.config.get( [ "osm_proj_map_map",
                                   "osm_proj_map_postfix" ] );
            Config.$widget = $( "<span>" );
            if ( ! Config.$toggle ) {
               Config.$toggle = $( "<span>" );
               s              = env.osm_proj_map_map;
               if ( s ) {
                  Config.$toggle.html( s );
               } else {
                  Config.$toggle.text( "[OSM]" );
            $e = $( "<span>" );
            s  = env.osm_proj_map_prefix;
            if ( s ) {
               $e.html( s );
            } else {
               $e.css( { "margin-left": "1em" } )
                 .text( "(" );
            Config.$widget.append( $e,
                                   Config.$toggle );
            $e = $( "<span>" );
            s  = env.osm_proj_map_postfix;
            if ( s ) {
               $e.html( s );
            } else {
               $e.css( { "margin-right": "2em" } )
                 .text( ")" );
            Config.$widget.append( $e );
         Config.$toggle.addClass( sel )
                       .css( { "cursor": "pointer" } );
         for ( i = 0;  i < Config.coordinates.length;  i++ ) {
            co = Config.coordinates[ i ];
            if ( Config.$widget.length < i ) {
               co.$widget = Config.$widget.eq( i );
            } else {
               co.$widget = Config.$widget.eq( 0 ).clone();
            co.$toggle = co.$widget.find( "." + sel );
            if ( co.$toggle.length ) {
               if ( ! i ) {
                  co.$toggle.attr( "id", sel );
               co.$toggle.click( function () {   flip( i );   } );
               co.$coordinate.after( co.$widget );
         }   // for i
      for ( s in Config ) {
         if ( Config[ s ] ) {
            config[ s ] = Config[ s ];
      }   // for s in Config
      mw.hook( Sign + ".ready" ).fire( config );
   }   // furnish()

   mw.hook( Sign + ".config" ).add( features );
   $( furnish );
}( window.mediaWiki, window.jQuery ) );
// </nowiki>