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This doc page is still empty. For details, see:
- User:MisterSynergy#Wikidata identifier comparison module for database links/norm data templates
- User:MisterSynergy/Modul:Wikidata/ValueComparison/Doku/de
- dewiki:Wikipedia:Lua/Werkstatt#Modul:WikidataCheck
-- local functions
local function compareIdentifiers(params, categories, datatype, entityClaims)
mw.log('compareIdentifiers(): starting to compare')
-- check whether provided property has correct data type
if datatype ~= 'external-id' then
mw.log('compareIdentifiers(): "' .. params['property'] .. '" is not an external-id property')
return categories
-- check whether any claims of the given property are found in the connected item
local claims = entityClaims or {}
local hasProp = claims[params['property']]
if not hasProp then -- no claim of that property
mw.log('compareIdentifiers(): connected item does not have a claim with property "' .. params['property'] .. '"')
if params['localValue'] ~= '' and params['cat_wd_missing'] then
table.insert(categories, params['cat_wd_missing'])
return categories
-- claim(s) of that property found, so do the actual value comparison ...
if type(hasProp) == 'table' and #hasProp == 1 then -- exactly one claim found, so simply process it
local claim = claims[params['property']][1]
if (claim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'novalue' or claim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'somevalue') and claim.rank ~= 'deprecated' and params['localValue'] ~= '' then -- Wikidata: novalue or unknown value, but local value given
mw.log('compareIdentifiers(): novalue/somevalue in Wikidata, custom value locally')
if params['cat_wd_missing'] then
table.insert(categories, params['cat_wd_missing'])
if params['cat_wd_different'] then
table.insert(categories, params['cat_wd_different'])
return categories
if claim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' and claim.rank ~= 'deprecated' then -- Wikidata custom value
mw.log('compareIdentifiers(): custom value in Wikidata')
if params['localValue'] == '' and params['cat_local_missing'] then -- no local value provided
table.insert(categories, params['cat_local_missing'])
elseif params['localValue'] ~= claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value and params['cat_wd_different'] then -- different local value provided
table.insert(categories, params['cat_wd_different'])
return categories
else -- more than one claim found, loop over them
if params['localValue'] == '' then -- no or empty local value provided
local throw_wp_missing_cat = true
for i, claim in ipairs(hasProp) do
if (claim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'novalue' or claim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'somevalue') and claim.rank ~= 'deprecated' then
throw_wp_missing_cat = false -- disputable
if throw_wp_missing_cat and params['cat_local_missing'] then
mw.log('compareIdentifiers(): local value missing')
table.insert(categories, params['cat_local_missing'])
return categories
else -- custom local value provided
local throw_wd_missing_cat = true
local throw_different_value_cat = true
for i, claim in ipairs(hasProp) do
if claim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' and claim.rank ~= 'deprecated' and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value == params['localValue'] then
throw_wd_missing_cat = false
throw_different_value_cat = false
mw.log('compareIdentifiers(): custom local value')
if throw_wd_missing_cat and params['cat_wd_missing'] then
table.insert(categories, params['cat_wd_missing'])
if throw_different_value_cat and params['cat_wd_different'] then
table.insert(categories, params['cat_wd_different'])
return categories
return categories
local function initParameters(args, parentArgs) -- args is input provided in the template code, parentArgs is input provided in the template transclusion code (usually an article page)
local params = {}
params['enableComparison'] = parentArgs['wikidata_vergleich'] or nil
params['logic'] = args['logic'] or 'identifiers' -- TODO; this should be "or nil" later
params['property'] = args['eigenschaft'] or nil
params['localValue'] = args['lokaler_identifikator'] or ''
params['namespaces'] = args['namensräume'] or '0'
params['cat_local_missing'] = args['kat_fehlt_lokal'] or nil -- no equivalent concept in Wikidata
params['cat_wd_missing'] = args['kat_fehlt_in_wd'] or nil -- conceptually as in Q28858528
params['cat_wd_different'] = args['kat_wd_verschieden'] or nil -- conceptually as in Q29075121
-- params['cat_no_item'] = args['kat_kein_objekt'] or 'Kategorie:Wikipedia:Artikel ohne Wikidata-Datenobjekt' -- better call {{Wikidata-Registrierung}} explicitly in the template
-- params['cat_same_value'] = args['kat_gleicher_wert'] or nil -- conceptually as in Q29075123; undesired at dewiki
-- params['cat_using_wd'] = args['kat_nutzt_wd'] or nil -- conceptually as in Q40218570; at dewiki we do not use identifiers directly yet
return params
local function makeWikitext(categories)
local wikitext = ''
for i, category in ipairs(categories) do
wikitext = wikitext .. '[[' .. category .. ']]'
return wikitext
-- functions to be exported
local WikidataValueComparison = {}
WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories = function(params)
local categories = {}
-- check whether the comparison was suppressed (usually in the template transclusion)
if params['enableComparison']=='nein' then
mw.log('WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories(): comparison disabled via template parameter "wikidata_vergleich"')
return categories
-- check if local namespace of transcluding page is in list of approved namespaces
local namespaceOk = false
local ns = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace
for v in mw.text.gsplit(params['namespaces'] or '0', ',', true) do
if tonumber(v) == ns then
namespaceOk = true
if not namespaceOk then -- skip comparison if not in approved namespace
mw.log('WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories(): wrong namespace')
return categories
-- check whether the article is connected to Wikidata
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity()
if not entity then -- skip comparison if unconnected
mw.log('WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories(): no Wikidata item connected')
if params['cat_no_item'] then
table.insert(categories, params['cat_no_item'])
return categories
-- check whether the provided P-identifier is useful (provided, valid format, existent in repository, and of 'external-id' datatype)
if not params['property'] then
mw.log('WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories(): no P-identifier provided')
return categories
if not string.match(params['property'], '^P[1-9][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?$') then -- P-identifiers with more than 9 digits are generally not recognized by the system
mw.log('WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories(): invalid P-identifier "' .. params['property'] ..'" provided')
return categories
if mw.wikibase.entityExists(params['property']) then -- attention: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T143970 https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T192462
propObject = mw.wikibase.getEntity(params['property'])
mw.log('WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories(): invalid/non-existent property "' .. params['property'] .. '"')
return categories
-- at this point, the generic checks are finished and we have "categories={}", a "propObject" (with field "datatype") and an "entity" (with field "claims") variable; from here, everything else is data type dependent
if params['logic'] == 'identifiers' then
local success, categories = pcall(compareIdentifiers, params, categories, propObject.datatype, entity.claims)
if success then
mw.log('WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories(): finished to compare')
return categories
mw.log('WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories(): error while comparing: ' .. categories)
return categories
mw.log('Logic: "' .. params['logic'] .. '"')
if next(categories) == nil then -- check if categories table is empty
mw.log('WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories(): value comparison successful, but nothing to categorize')
return categories
end --WikidataValueComparison.MaintenanceCategories()
-- export
local p = {}
function p.compareValues(frame)
local success, params = pcall(initParameters, frame.args, frame:getParent().args)
local success, categories = pcall(WikidataValueComparison['MaintenanceCategories'], params)
local success, wikitext = pcall(makeWikitext, categories)
return wikitext or ''
end --p.compareValues()
function p.WikidataValueComparison() -- export for use in other modules
return WikidataValueComparison
return p