2016 wurde bei Google Chrome (und den Software-identischen Produkten wie Opera höherer Versionsnummern) festgestellt, dass in arabischer Schrift beim bidi-Text die erforderliche Ligatur zwischen den in Schreibrichtung erstem und zweitem Buchstaben nicht ausgeführt wird. Alle weiteren Ligaturen nach dem ersten Buchstaben sind korrekt.
In 2016 it was observed that in Google Chrome (and core-sharing like recent Opera) arabic bidi text fails to perform the necessary ligature between first and second letter in writing direction. Any other ligature is fine. Most obviously a fencepost error under some conditions.
The sample consists of three letters Qaf Ṭa Ra (Qatar):
U+0642 U+0637 U+0631
Quotes from HTML5:
- The
element represents a span of text that is to be isolated from its surroundings for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting. This element is especially useful when embedding user-generated content with an unknown directionality. - The
element represents explicit text directionality formatting control for its children. It allows authors to override the Unicode bidirectional algorithm by explicitly specifying a direction override. Authors must specify the dir attribute on this element.
The template is heading towards ensured RTL directionality for the specified RTL snippet but preventing any UBA spillover, for any browser.
Plain bidi
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: UBA overrun
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7 (Ar-ras): UBA overrun, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
Template 2016-05 (bdi>bdo + CSS)
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdi dir="ltr"><bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:embed;">قطر</bdo></bdi> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: Fine
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): First arabic Letter separated
No CSS, bdi>bdo
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdi dir="ltr"><bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar">قطر</bdo></bdi> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: Fine
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): First Letter separated
No CSS, bdo
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar">قطر</bdo> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: UBA overrun
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): UBA overrun
No CSS, bdi
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdi dir="rtl" lang="ar">قطر</bdi> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: Fine
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): Fine, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
No CSS, bdo>bdi
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdo dir="ltr"><bdi dir="rtl" lang="ar">قطر</bdi></bdo> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: Fine
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): Fine, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
bdo + direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:embed;
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:embed;">قطر</bdo> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: UBA overrun
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): UBA overrun and, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
bdo + unicode-bidi:embed;
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="unicode-bidi:embed;">قطر</bdo> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: UBA overrun
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): UBA overrun, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
bdo + unicode-bidi:isolate;
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="unicode-bidi:isolate;">قطر</bdo> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: UBA overrun
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): Fine, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
bdo + direction:rtl;
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="direction:rtl;">قطر</bdo> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: UBA overrun
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): UBA overrun
bdo>bdi + direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:embed;
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdo dir="ltr"><bdi dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:embed;">قطر</bdi></bdo> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: UBA overrun
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): UBA overrun and First Letter separated
bdo>bdi + direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:isolate;
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdo dir="ltr"><bdi dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:isolate;">قطر</bdi></bdo> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: Fine
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): Fine, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
bdo>bdi + unicode-bidi:isolate;
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdo dir="ltr"><bdi dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="unicode-bidi:isolate;">قطر</bdi></bdo> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: Fine
- FAVOURED if fine with all other browsers, leaves opportunity for inner direction changes
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): Fine, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
bdi>bdo + direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:isolate;
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdi dir="ltr"><bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:isolate;">قطر</bdo></bdi> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: Fine
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): Fine, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
bdi>bdo + unicode-bidi:isolate;
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdi dir="ltr"><bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="unicode-bidi:isolate;">قطر</bdo></bdi> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Firefox: Fine
- OKAY if fine with all other browsers
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): Fine, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")
bdi>bdo + unicode-bidi:embed; display:inline-block
Bearbeitenthe famous clown [3] <bdi dir="ltr" style="unicode-bidi:embed;display:inline-block;"><bdo dir="rtl" lang="ar" style="unicode-bidi:isolate;">قطر</bdo></bdi> (* 1. April).
the famous clown [3] قطر (* 1. April).
- Chrome 54.0.2840.71 m on Windows 7(Ar-ras): Fine, but: First Letter separated if editing with interactive Editor ("Bearbeiten")